From the Editor's desk

The Winter 2014 edition of interaktiv is now available for download from the GLD website. Click here to get your own personal copy

Dear Readers,

The world of translation tCover of the Winter 2014 issue of interaktivends to lurk in the shadows of society and commerce – an industry that is rarely seen or recognized. When a translator’s work ends up in print or online, it is more often than not published in someone else’s name – the end client’s, for example. Literary translators, on the other hand, represent a group in our industry who see their names in print on a more regular basis. So it’s no wonder that those of us who translate works of fiction and nonfiction are more recognized in the “outside world.”

In this Winter 2014 issue of interaktiv, we’d like you to meet a few of our fellow GLD members who have published translations recently. (Please note that the translators presented here answered a call put out on the GLD-List and do not represent an exhaustive list). In addition, Northwestern University Press has graciously granted permission to reprint the Translator’s Preface of Dieter Kühn’s Gertrud Kolmar Leben und Werk, Zeit und Tod , published in March 2013, by Linda Marianiello, who translated the biography together with Franz Vote. If you’re like me and not the most cultured individual on the face of the planet, the preface provides some rare insight into “A Literary Life” – both Kolmar’s and Marianiello’s.

But before being wowed by the scholarly talent among us, read our lead author, GLD Administrator Eva Stabenow, whose “Word from” will expand your knowledge of all (current) things GLD, followed by another pager-turner: the minutes of the GLD meeting in San Antonio, penned by none other than Jill Sommer, one of the GLD’s most accomplished translation bloggers. Aachen-based GLD European Coordinator, Karen Leube, offers her second installment of “(Translation) Notes from the Homeland” and der Ausschuss für Übersetzen (AfÜ) der UNIVERSITAS Austria presents its first Zwischenbericht zum Korrekturlesepool.

By tradition, we tap a talented “newbie” to tell us what they thought of their first ATA Annual Conference, and this year we are pleased to have two: one seasoned, Germany-based translator, Tatjana Dujmic, who offers a comprehensive, first-time look followed by one budding young, Wisconsin-based translator, Emery Paine, who poetically ponders his experience and whether there will be a next one. (Actually, I lied, a third one is on the GLD blog – get it here!).

This issue’s Translator in Profile just happens to be yours truly, who denies being “a writer” but manages to scribble down this editorial twice a year not to mention maintain a copywriting business. To make matters worse, he put pen to paper yet again to tell a Translator on Tour story that has nothing to do with translation.

Our final interaktiv author, Christiane E. Bohnert, records a concise Wörterbuch-Rezension of the Fachwörterbuch Zoll und Außenhandel. And like a good bookend, this Winter 2014 issue is buttressed by our trusted calendar of events, which – thanks to some member feedback – provides a (hopefully) comprehensive list of events on both sides of the Atlantic of interest to you.

Happy Reading!

Mit besten Grüßen aus Bonn

Matt Baird is Chief Editor of interaktiv and can be reached at