An update…
ATA 英>日認定試験ワークショップのお知らせ
(English into Japanese Workshop only)
(English into Japanese Workshop only)
10月28日土曜日の午後12時30分~1時30分まで、ランチの時間を利用してホテル内またはその近くで開催を予定しています。ご興味のある方はEventbrite [ ] による登録を受け付けていますので10月24日火曜日迄にそちらから登録してください。
参加されたい方は、以下のパッセージ(258ワード)を事前に訳して[updated 2017.10.15] miyako [at] maojapanese [dot] comまで送信していただくか、間に合わない方は当日お持ちください。このワークショップは翻訳教室ではなく、皆さんが訳された答案を発表しあい、現役グレーダーが実際に使うツール(フローチャートとエラーカテゴリーのフレームワーク)を使ってコメントするものです。プロの翻訳者の方であっても、どのように答案が採点されるのかを知ることは試験対策として大変有益です。認定試験にご興味のある方はぜひご参加ください。
Instructions: The following passage was taken from an American weekly magazine for educated general readers. The translated version will be published in a Japanese weekly magazine of a similar nature. Translate the following text for the specified purpose.
It’s hard to find much wrong with a drug that can battle fatigue and improve creativity and could even help prevent Parkinson’s disease and diabetes. It’s also hard to find much right with a drug that elevates blood pressure, aggravates stress, causes insomnia and leads to addiction. When both drugs are the same thing, it’s hard to know what to think.
One thing is for certain: we sure love the stuff. There are 167 million coffee drinkers in the U.S., and they consumed nearly 6.3 billion gallons last year alone. The average drinker admits to 3.4 cups a day, although the National Coffee Association is studiously vague about what constitutes a cup – deliberately, perhaps, in an era in which a large Starbucks sloshes in at a whopping 20 ounces. On top of our coffee, we poured down 2.4 billion gallons of tea in 2003, not all of which was gentle herbals. Biggest of all are carbonated soft drinks, 70% of which are caffeinated. Americans consumed a stunning 15.3 billion gallons in 2003, or 574 cans for every man, woman and child.
The good news is that not only does all that caffeine not necessarily hurt but in some ways it may help. Java’s famous energy jolt is no illusion, improving performance on tasks and helping people stay alert. That, however, requires drinking caffeine the right way, and most people don’t, loading up first thing in the morning and then crashing by the afternoon, when the chemical – with a half-life of up to six hours – is leaving the system.
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