ATA 61st Annual Conference 2020
Session: Deposition Interpreting Workshop II
Speakers: Izumi Suzuki and Manako Ihaya
Moderators: Paul Koehler, Rika Mitrik, Hiromi Fujii, Hajime Sato
Date: Saturday, October 24, 2020 (12:30–1:30 p.m. EDT)
Summary by: Hajime Sato
Description: This session will be a continuation of the one presented at ATA60. But don’t worry if you didn’t attend last year, since the session will start with a brief review of the deposition setting and an explanation of the roles of each player. The speakers will then discuss the ‘meat’ of this unique situation, including the use of LiveNote, a software program that displays English statements in almost real time. Attendees will gain knowledge about deposition interpreting and leave the session feeling as though they were at an actual deposition!
Session Summary:
- Izumi provided a brief description of deposition interpreting with a few pointers.
- Manako described her recent experience in online depositions.
- In the exercise part, the three moderators acted as two attorneys and a deponent and read two pre-prepared scripts. They paused to give participants time to interpret before Manako-san provided model interpretation. The scripts were quite realistic and included attorney objections. To make it easier for participants, and for the sake of time, the simulation was different from real depositions in certain respects: actors read their lines slower than normal speed; there was no check interpreter; and everyone paused after one sentence.
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