Following are summaries of the January 2024 Monju no Chie session. Thank you again to our guest speakers, Mami Rios and Shizuka Otake, for sharing their time and wisdom with JLD members!
On January 26, the Japanese Language Division (JLD) had a webinar to answer questions about interpreting. Many members attended the webinar, titled 通訳なんでも質問箱(Interpreters’ Question Box). The first question was about troubleshooting sound issues during conference interpreting. The answers centered around getting help from the sound people and preventing problems by doing sound checks beforehand.The next question was about interpreting speakers with heavy accents. The answers acknowledged that the only real option was to gain experience and do one’s best, as well as using gestures and body language to try and understand. Preparation was also emphasized, including researching the speakers beforehand and learning how to understand accents.The panelists were asked about handling long sentences with complicated meanings and difficult technical concepts, especially in simultaneous interpreting. Two different philosophies emerged. One panelist suggested waiting until the meaning came through, while another suggested just interpreting even without understanding, since specialists could still understand each other. They agreed that preparation and experience were important and emphasized projecting the appearance of calm. They noted that the biggest cause of panic was fear of making mistakes.When asked about retaining content, the panelists agreed that note-taking was important and that pictures may work better than words in some cases.On the use of AI and MT in simultaneous interpreting, the panelists suggested they could generate word lists and help in preparation, but noted that they still had a long way to go before they could fully replace human interpreters.Overall, the panelists emphasized experience and preparation, and that the only way to gain experience was to take on jobs. (Thomas Akagi)
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