Taken Out of Context:The Importance of Context in Japanese-into-English Translation(Part 1) by Jim DavisJapanese is a high-context language. Among other consequences of this fact we find that in a Japanese document the context in which a statement is made exerts particularly … [Read more...]
Webinar: Translation Techniques for Creating Natural English from Japanese
The Northern California Translators Association people asked me to shareinformation on the webinar below with any interested colleagues. The titleis "Translation Techniques for Creating Natural English from Japanese." Thepresenter is Mike (Steve) Karpa.Please see this page for … [Read more...]
55th Annual ATA Conference in Chicago – Website online!
The 2014 Annual Conference website is now online:https://www.atanet.org/conf/2014/index.htmCheck it out! … [Read more...]
Words and 言葉 by Jim Davis
Meaning-based Translation and the Search for Equivalent ImpactTwo key questions for translators are: “What is the writer of the source text saying?” and “What would a native speaker of the target language say in this situation?” To answer the first question, translators need at … [Read more...]
Interview with Masae Sullivan by Rika Mitrik
1. 雅絵さんは日本で4人のお子さんの子育て中に奮起して勉強を始められたそうですが? … [Read more...]
ATA 2013: Minutes of the JLD Annual Meeting
American Translators Association, 54th Annual ConferenceMarriott Rivercenter, San Antonio, TXFriday November 8th, 5:09 p.m. - 5:59 p.m.Division officers present: Masae Sullivan, Jim Patrick, Hiroki FukuyamaDivision members present: ~ 25 members including 13 newcomersMeeting … [Read more...]
Translating Figures of Speech in Japanese Documents
Professor and Director, Technical Japanese ProgramDept. of Engineering Professional Development, University of Wisconsin-Madison2013 ATA Conference, San Antonio TXNovember 9, 2013Why are figures of speech used in languages? To convey particular messages in particular … [Read more...]
55th Annual ATA Conference – Chicago Promo
ATA 54th Annual Conference Summary
ATA 54th Annual Conference SummaryBy: Paul Koehler Translators and interpreters in many different language pairs gathered for the ATA 54thAnnual Conference held at the San … [Read more...]
JLD Needs YOU!
Dear JLD Members,Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you had a relaxing holiday.Although not even a month has passed since the ATA Conference in San Antonio, the planning process for next year's conference in Chicago is already beginning. The deadline for Distinguished Speaker proposals … [Read more...]