Please join us for the Law Division’s virtual networking event! Please join us for our next quarterly Law Division networking event! This time we will follow a new format and meet at a different time of day, to accommodate participants in other time zones. Get to know other translators and interpreters working in the legal field as we meet on […]
Terms of Art, Legal Jargon, and Those Phrases that Drive Legal Translators Mad
By Ruth Gámez and Fernando Cuñado (Traducción Jurídica) This post summarizes our presentation at the most recent ATA annual conference. ATA’s annual conference is the largest meeting of translators in the world, and it was an honor to have our proposal selected as one of the conference sessions. If you are interested in the issues […]
Invitation to Law Division virtual networking event for interpreters
Please join us for the Law Division’s virtual networking event for interpreters! Please join us for our quarterly Law Division networking event, this time exclusively for interpreters! Get to know other interpreters working in the legal field (court interpreters and others are welcome) as we meet on Zoom for a brainstorm networking session. We will […]
Minutes of the Law Division 2022 Annual Meeting
Minutes of the Law Division Annual Meeting (Virtual) American Translators Association October 3, 2022 Present: Administrators Elizabeth Herron-Sweet Monique Longton Leadership Council Dmitry Beschetny Arnold Winter Caroline Kim The meeting was attended by approximately 30 division members. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. ET by Elizabeth Herron-Sweet. […]
Revelia: o que é? Como se fala em inglês?
Por: Bruna Marchi Para quem não é formado em Direito, o termo “revelia” pode ser desconhecido. Para quem estudou Direito, a questão é saber como se fala “revelia” em inglês. Para facilitar, estruturei esse texto em perguntas e respostas. Comecemos, então. Afinal, o que significa essa tal “revelia” que leio nos jornais e vejo no […]