** This post has been edited to reflect the correct date.** The Interpreters Division is already busy preparing its annual meeting! The Division is committed to providing members information on professional education opportunities as well as enrichment opportunities. The agenda for this year’s meeting will focus on: An overview of the Division’s 2017 … [Read more...]
Don’t miss out on the ID/MD Networking Dinner during ATA 58th Annual Conference
Remember to RSVP by 10/13/2017! We've reserved an awesome Brazilian restaurant together to meet new friends and old, reconnect with colleagues we touch base with from afar and generally have a great time! Reserve your seat here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-interpreter-medical-division-dinner-tickets-37568446234?aff=es2 ATA Annual … [Read more...]
Annual Meeting Election Results
This year was an election year for Division's officers. Election results were announced at the Interpreters Division Annual Meeting during ATA's 57th Annual Conference held November 2-5, 2016, in San Francisco, California: Division Administrator: Carol Velandia (elected for a second 2-year term) Assistant Administrator: Lorena Ortiz-Schneider (elected for a 2-year … [Read more...]