Call for Content and FeedbackThe Japanese Language Division (JLD) is revitalizing its blog and wants your help providing helpful content for members. We are looking for blog articles about new translation technologies and tools, tips and tricks for improving the quality of J < … [Read more...]
JLD Committee Meeting Minutes
Minutes of JLD Editorial Committee MeetingDate: March 10, 2013Attending: Hiroki Furuyama, James Patrick, Lauren Sheridan, Tracy Miller, Connie Prenner1. Purpose and content of the blog was discussed and some ideas where shared for possible topics (as … [Read more...]
IJET 24 in Hawaii
Aloha.IJET-24 Program Chair Ben Tompkins here.Where will you be on June 1 and 2, 2013? If your answer is “Hawaii,” you’ll get to enjoy some spectacular scenery and beaches as you network with fellow translators and attend informative sessions at the premiere E<>J … [Read more...]
Not Dead, Just on Life-Support
Dear Editorial Staff,I stuck my hand up at the recent ATA conference to lead the charge to bring the JLD Times back to life. Luckily, thanks to you with a few surgeons and nurses to help lead the charge, I hope we can make this a valuable, useful tool and resource for our … [Read more...]
翻訳効率向上ツール (日本語<>多言語)(ATA 2012)
日本語への翻訳で「生産性向上」と聞けば、期待感が膨らむのは筆者だけではない。ヨーロッパ言語に比べ、ローマ字入力・カナ漢字変換が日本語の入力効率を大幅に落としている点は避けようもない。一方、洗練された日本語入力ソフトも近年現れてきたが、そうしたソフトを入手し、十分に時間を掛けて評価する機会は誰しも少ないのではないか。Windows … [Read more...]
Terminology-Focused Basic Chemistry (ATA 2012)
Kozo Igi, PhD and Mizuho Iwamoto, PhD presented the JLD workshop, "Terminology-Focused Basic Chemistry." This workshop provided a general overview of chemistry terminology important for scientific translation. During the first half of the workshop, Dr. Igi covered basic chemistry … [Read more...]
Misunderstood and Undervalued Role of the Check (not Czech!) Interpreter (ATA 2012)
by Etsuko Yashiki Good, Japanese < > English Interpreter & TranslatorDid you ever get a call or inquiry to be a Check Interpreter in a legal case? You began to wonder what the Check Interpreter’s job is in a deposition setting. So you begin asking … [Read more...]
Submit a Proposal to ATA for 2013 Conference
Submit a Presentation Proposal for ATA's Annual Conference______________________________________________________The American Translators Association is now acceptingpresentation proposals for ATA's 54th Annual Conferencein San Antonio, Texas (November 6-9, 2013).More than 1,500 … [Read more...]
Basic Concepts of Pharmacology in Drug Development (ATA 2012)
by R. A (Bob) Lyon, Section Head R&D Proctor and GambleThe objective of the talk was to outline the process of drug development, the principles underlying this process and some of the associated terminology and techniques.Drugs are exogenous substances that bring about a … [Read more...]
Welcome Letter
Welcome to the JLD Times, the Japanese Language Division’s newsletter & blog.With the summer 2010 relaunch of the JLD Times in its new blog format, the JLD Editorial Committee would like to give our members an overview of why we have chosen this format for the website, the … [Read more...]