Learn about current Machine Translation Post-Editing standards and share your insights for ATA consideration!
ATA’s Language Technology Division hosts this opportunity to compare and contrast its research regarding currently existing Machine Translation Post-Editing standards (ISO, TAUS, tech platform “certifications” and beyond) and to share suggestions and thoughts for a potential future guideline. What flaws are you seeing? What is/is not working? What frustrates or consoles you as a linguist working with MT as a tool?
Connect now with #ATA63MTPE.
During the ATA Conference in Los Angeles, a few tables at the general continental breakfast will be reserved for this event on Thursday, October 13 and Sunday, October 15, from 7:00 a.m. – 8:15 a.m. We’d love to hear your thoughts and share ours.
Viktoryia Baum, Andy Benzo, Blaise Hylak, Bridget Hylak and Daniel Sebesta, Facilitators
Check out the conference schedule for details.