The first ATA Interpreter Connections, the Interpreters Division’s (ID) new way to get interpreters together, took place at The Union Social Eatery (St. Clair) restaurant in Toronto, Canada on March 23, 2019. The event lasted two hours and had 22 attendees, attracted through posts on our social media outlets. ID Leadership Council member Flávia Lima, a very active social … [Read more...]
Archives for April 2019
Members Feedback for Upcoming ATA Board of Directors Meeting in Alexandria, VA
Dear members of the Interpreters Division in and around Alexandria, VA: The Board is set to meet on April 13-14 in Alexandria, VA. All ATA members are welcome to attend the meeting! Here is what interpreter and Board member Melinda Gonzalez-Hibner wanted us to share with you: The ATA Board will meet next weekend in Alexandria, Virginia, in conjunction with the … [Read more...]
What a Speaker’s PowerPoint Won’t Tell—And the Interpreter Needs to Find Out
The more skillful and/or experienced a speaker, the more likely the content of his talk will be in his head rather than on his slide deck. Some speakers will stuff each of their slides with text and simply read them out to the audience, and if the interpreters are able to get hold of the PPT presentation beforehand, they just need to study the text and terminology carefully in … [Read more...]