We would like to thank ATA Headquarters, Elena Langdon Fortier, the ID membership and all the participants who attended the recent webinar entitled: “Shhh…Don’t Say That! Ethical Dilemmas for Interpreters in Health Care”.
Now, we are very pleased to announce that the ATA Webinar Series in a collaborative effort with the ID Division has scheduled the very first ATA Panel Webinar on Healthcare Interpreter Certification! And more Webinars for interpreters will follow!
Panel Members: Esther Diaz (panel moderator) Vice President of the Texas Association of Healthcare Interpreters and Translators
Elena Langdon Fortier, chair of the National Board of Certification for Medical interpreters
Mara Youdelman, chair of the Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters
Date: October 13, 2011 / Time: 12 noon US Eastern Daylight Time / Duration: 60 minutes / CE Point(s): 1
National certification for healthcare interprets is finally a reality. Does your state require certification? Does your employer require it? It’s time to find find out what is required and whether you’re ready to pursue certification. This 60-minute panel webinar will help you decide which training and certification programs are right for you.
Registration will open September 7th. For more information, please go to: https://www.atanet.org/webinars
Thank you for your support to the Interpreters Division of ATA!!
For more information, please visit the ATA 52nd Annual Conference website:
See you in Boston!
Live, Love, Laugh, Learn, Let-go
California Certified Court Interpreter / Conference & Media Interpreter / Collegiate Professor and T&I Trainer
Professional Development Committee, Interpreters Division / American Translators Association (ATA) Member, National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT) ww.najit.org