You may have already received the following email from a member of the ATA Board of Directors. Just in case you missed it, and because we are convinced that your feedback may help increase visibility for the interpreting profession within ATA, here it is:
Hello ID colleagues!
The ATA Board is meeting April 22-23 at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Alexandria, Virginia. If you live in or will be visiting the Washington, DC area, we invite you to come to the meeting in person; it is open to all members.
Otherwise, we welcome your feedback by e-mail. Please let us know what ATA programs, services, and events are most important to you, and what ideas you have for us to better meet your needs. You can send your feedback to any Boardmember, and our contact information is on the ATA website:
After you send us your feedback, we post it on a large flip chart in the Board meeting room, then all of the comments are logged in a spreadsheet that headquarters maintains. Over time, this helps us identify topics that multiple members have brought to the Board’s attention.
Thanks very much for your thoughts and for your support of ATA!