By Daniel Tamayo Read Part 1 of "Interpreting: Building Competence" here Another equally important pillar is subject matter expertise. Bottom line, you may interpret very nicely, but if you are not familiar with the subject matter you will lament accepting any technical assignments (e.g. just because you are a bilingual doctor or attorney, it doesn't mean that … [Read more...]
Interpreting: Building Competence (Part 1 of 2)
By Daniel Tamayo Interpreting, which is oral translation, is an increasingly important profession, as it connects people across cultures, space and time, in a world that is ever more interconnected. For those of us who love language, enjoy being challenged intellectually and emotionally, and are passionate about constantly learning new things, interpreting is nothing less … [Read more...]
Translator/Interpreter becomes top profession for 2012 By Sharon Naylor | CREATORS NEWS SERVICE | Posted: Sep. 18, 2011 | 2:00 a.m.
In today's information society, communication is more than just important. It's crucial. Every business and political message runs the risk of being misinterpreted, especially when it comes to complex ideas, and the results of misinterpretation can range from a failed business agreement to the collapse of government talks. In short, there never has been more demand for … [Read more...]