It’s that time of the year!
Have you renewed your ATA membership?
You should have received a reminder email; if not you can renew it online at
As a reminder, here are some of the benefits ATA members have:
- Business networking through ATA events, divisions, and member-exclusive LinkedIn group
- Reduced ATA annual conference registration fees
- The ATA Chronicle subscription
- Listing online on the Directory of Translators and Interpreters
- and many more!
ATA membership is more valuable than you think when you join one of the many specialties and language-specific divisions. Here are 8 smart reasons to join an ATA division.
If you are not a member of the Interpreters Division, why not join?
Don’t forget to check the VOTING MEMBER box and make your interpreter voice heard!
Image by Security via
I hope I renewed my membership today, let me know if I haven’t.
By the way, on my blog at I have made some comments about translators, translation and unscrupulous translation agencies, people might like to look at them.
I recently turned down a one-day simultaneous interpreting job in a remote part of the Austrian Tyrol because I simply did not trust the agency to pay in advance for the hotel and they would not pay in advance for travel. I was caught out like that recently when I did a multiple-day job outside the UK. The interpreters were suddenly asked to arrive a day earlier, and as this was a huge conference, all the inexpensive hotels were fully booked. We arrived at the (very expensive) hotel exhausted at 9.00 p.m. and were told a)we would have to pay for our stay as the company that hired us had not paid for this extra day and b)that there was no food available (I am diabetic, I need to eat in the evening). I do not intend to be put through that again!