ATA 61st Annual Conference 2020 Session: Conveying the Words of U.S. Presidents into Japanese アメリカ大統領のことばを通訳する~歴代大統領の通訳から得た学び~ Speaker: Chikako Tsuruta (鶴田知佳子先生) Date: Thursday, October 22, 2020 (5–6 p.m. EDT) Summary … [Read more...]
Thank you for joining us!
Dear JLD members, Thank you for joining us during the Annual ATA conference! It was a delight to see your faces and have a chance to chat with you during the JLD meetup and the impromptu meetups through Jitsi! We are trying to see if this might be a useful platform for us to … [Read more...]
Minutes from ATA60 Annual Meeting and Agenda for ATA61 Annual Meting
Dear JLD Members, We hope many of you are doing well and that you are planning to attend out upcoming JLD Annual Meeting (all JLD members are invited and can join) and Networking Social (only members who are registered for the conference can attend) on Sunday the … [Read more...]