The JLD Tech Team is delighted to announce that the JLD Online Event Video Library will soon be live and available to current JLD members. Here’s a quick rundown of what members need to know: If there are any questions, please reach out to the JLD team: … [Read more...]
ATA65 in Portland, Oregon
Coming November 29, 2024 043 Izumi Suzuki--Interpreting Workshop for Translators 097 Junko Bradley--From Commodity to Valued Partner: Ten Strategies to Stand Out and Transform Your Language Service Business 110 Kazumasa Aoyama--Working with Good Helpers in Scientific … [Read more...]
JLD’s Resource Roundup
The JLD Editorial Committee is excited to announce a new, intermittent series called “Resource Roundup.” This series is meant to provide our community with thoughtful reviews of our favorite professional resources. Those resources could be in the form of a book about translation … [Read more...]
Hello from the JLD and information on joining our activities
Hello everyone, This is your current administrator, Paul Koehler. Welcome back to the blog. Apologies as the website has been quiet recently. However, we as a division have been quite busy and continuing our activities both at the conference and in between with our online … [Read more...]
Thank you for joining us!
Dear JLD members, Thank you for joining us during the Annual ATA conference! It was a delight to see your faces and have a chance to chat with you during the JLD meetup and the impromptu meetups through Jitsi! We are trying to see if this might be a useful platform for us to … [Read more...]
Minutes from ATA60 Annual Meeting and Agenda for ATA61 Annual Meting
Dear JLD Members, We hope many of you are doing well and that you are planning to attend out upcoming JLD Annual Meeting (all JLD members are invited and can join) and Networking Social (only members who are registered for the conference can attend) on Sunday the … [Read more...]
JLD Distinguished Speakerから事前課題についてのお願い
ATA Japanese Language Divisionの皆様 2019年10月末に開催されるATA 60でのJLD Distinguished Speaker、飯泉 恵美子先生から、事前課題についてメッセージをいただきました。ご確認ください。 ファイルのダウンロードは、ATA 60のアプリからお願いいたします。 ーーーーーーーーーー American Translators Association の60th Annual Conference へのお招きをありがとうございます。 2019 年10 月25 … [Read more...]
ATA 60: Social Events for the JLD members
▷ JLD Newcomers Lunch October 24, 2019 (Thursday) 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM An informal bring-your-own lunch for conference first-timers, newcomers to the profession, veterans at the conference hotel breakfast area. ▷ JLD Annual Meeting October 25, 2019 (Friday) 4:45 … [Read more...]
ATA 59: Social Events for the JLD members
▷ JLD Newcomers LunchOctober 25, 2018 (Thursday)12:30 PM – 1:30 PMAn informal bring-your-own lunch for conference first-timers, newcomers to the profession, veterans at the conference hotel breakfast area.▷ JLD Annual MeetingOctober 26, 2018 (Friday)4:45 PM – 5:45 PMCome to … [Read more...]
Spring Edition of JLD Times 2018
Dear JLD Members, Our Spring edition of the JLD times is up on this link for your viewing pleasure. We are in the process of moving our website and blog to a new platform, so for now, the session summaries can be read through this platform under December and November 2017 … [Read more...]