Speaker: Syra Morii Session Title: Don Your Editor's Hat for Better Japanese into English Translations Summary Author: Harumi Rudolph 「(誰か・何か)のために~する」を英訳するときには、"for the sake of"と"for the benefit of"をどう使い分けるべきでしょう。例えば、"The parents stayed together ______their … [Read more...]
ATA65 Session Summary: 110 Kazumasa Aoyama–Working with Good Helpers in Scientific Translation: Online Research Tools and Resources
Speaker: Kazumasa Aoyama Session Title: Working with Good Helpers in Scientific Translation: Online Research Tools and Resources Summary Author: Doug Durgee While the session title labels it for scientific translation, two reoccurring themes apply to us all: use more … [Read more...]
ATA65 Session Summary: 043 Izumi Suzuki–Interpreting Workshop for Translators
Speaker: Izumi Suzuki Session Title: Interpreting Workshop for Translators Summary Author: Mikoto … [Read more...]
ATA65 Session Summary: 097 Junko Bradley–From Commodity to Valued Partner: Ten Strategies to Stand Out and Transform Your Language Service Business
Speaker: Junko Bradley Session Title: From Commodity to Valued Partner: Ten Strategies to Stand Out and Transform Your Language Service Business Summary Author: Katherine Hall In this session from the last day of ATA65, Junko Bradley shared tips on how to improve one’s … [Read more...]
ATA65 in Portland, Oregon
Coming November 29, 2024 043 Izumi Suzuki--Interpreting Workshop for Translators 097 Junko Bradley--From Commodity to Valued Partner: Ten Strategies to Stand Out and Transform Your Language Service Business 110 Kazumasa Aoyama--Working with Good Helpers in Scientific … [Read more...]
ATA64 Session Summary #7: Pre-Editing Japanese Documents for Better Machine Translation Presented by Audra Lincoln
The advance of machine translation (MT) and its implications for the translation field were prominent themes discussed at the ATA conference this year, so Audra Lincoln’s presentation topic on effectively editing Japanese texts for use with these tools was well-timed! Audra (who … [Read more...]
ATA64 Session Summary #6: Bidirectionality: Simultaneously Interpreting Into and Out of Your A Language Presented by Robert Holloway, Céline Browning and Laura Burian
In this session, three experienced interpreters working between English and Asian languages—Japanese, Korean and Mandarin—discussed their experiences with bidirectional interpretation and offered insightful tips for interpreters specializing in any language. Céline grew up in a … [Read more...]
ATA64 Session Summary #5: Capturing Elusive Creatures: Context-dependent Words and Phrases in English-to- Japanese Scientific Translation Presented by 青山一正
ATAのベテラン講演者、青山さんによる今回のセッションは、文脈を理解することの重要性についてでした。今回もたくさんの例を使い、聴衆者に問いかけながら進めていく、分かりやすいセッションでした。 科学的な分野における英文を和訳する際に、以下の3種類の文脈に注意する必要があります。 分野・トピック 使われる分野やトピックによって、単語や語句の意味が異なることがあります。どの分野やトピックについての文章であるかを理解して訳し分けることが大切です。”Quenching”(焼き入れ、消火、消光、反応停止)、”i … [Read more...]
ATA64 Session Summary #4: Re-Branding Yourself as a Language Specialist in a Quickly Changing Industry Presented by Hana Ransom
Would you rather have a plain bar of chocolate or a Godiva chocolate truffle? Hana Ransom started her presentation on re-branding yourself as a language specialist with this question. She used her own career evolution from translator to all-around language specialist to … [Read more...]
ATA64 Session Summary #3: Practical Tips on Making Your Translations Sound More Natural Presented by Miyo Tat
本セッションでは、Miyo Tatさんより、自然な翻訳を生み出し、意訳に自信を持てるようになるために必要な技法と心構えについて、以下のような流れで、英日訳文例と図解を用いた示唆に富む発表をしていただきました。 … [Read more...]
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