Presented by Professor Tomoko Tamura, International Christian University Although this presentation was aimed at interpreters, who often have to think on their feet, it was interesting to translators like me, who often translate texts that have some subjective or emotional … [Read more...]
ATA62 Distinguished Speaker Presentation – Police Interpreters from Vose (1892, Massachusetts) to Lopez-Ramos (2019, Minnesota): “Conduit” Shifted the Paradigm from the Sixth Amendment to the Fifth Amendment
Presented by Tomoko Tamura 田村智子 2021年10月に開催されたATA 62nd Annual Conferenceにて国際基督教大学准教授の田村智子先生によるセッション「Police Interpreters from Vose (1892, Massachusetts) to Lopez-Ramos (2019, Minnesota): “Conduit” Shifted the Paradigm from the Sixth Amendment to the Fifth … [Read more...]
ATA63 Session 170: Wrestling Big Animals in English to Japanese Patent Translation(英日特許翻訳の巨獣と格闘する)
Session 170: Wrestling Big Animals in English to Japanese Patent Translation スピーカー:青山一正 (Kazumasa Aoyama) 青山さんによるこのセッションは、前回ミネアポリスで行われた「Taming Tiny Beasts in English to Japanese Patent Translation: English Function Words and Common Short … [Read more...]
Hello from the JLD and information on joining our activities
Hello everyone, This is your current administrator, Paul Koehler. Welcome back to the blog. Apologies as the website has been quiet recently. However, we as a division have been quite busy and continuing our activities both at the conference and in between with our online … [Read more...]
Thank you for joining us!
Dear JLD members, Thank you for joining us during the Annual ATA conference! It was a delight to see your faces and have a chance to chat with you during the JLD meetup and the impromptu meetups through Jitsi! We are trying to see if this might be a useful platform for us to … [Read more...]
Minutes from ATA60 Annual Meeting and Agenda for ATA61 Annual Meting
Dear JLD Members, We hope many of you are doing well and that you are planning to attend out upcoming JLD Annual Meeting (all JLD members are invited and can join) and Networking Social (only members who are registered for the conference can attend) on Sunday the … [Read more...]
JLD Times Spring 2020 is here!
Dear JLD members, We hope that you are doing well during the uncertain times of COVID 19. With a bit of delay, the Spring 2020 edition of the JLD Times is now available for your viewing pleasure. Please send us comments and feedback if you would like, and we encourage many … [Read more...]
JLD Distinguished Speakerから事前課題についてのお願い
ATA Japanese Language Divisionの皆様 2019年10月末に開催されるATA 60でのJLD Distinguished Speaker、飯泉 恵美子先生から、事前課題についてメッセージをいただきました。ご確認ください。 ファイルのダウンロードは、ATA 60のアプリからお願いいたします。 ーーーーーーーーーー American Translators Association の60th Annual Conference へのお招きをありがとうございます。 2019 年10 月25 … [Read more...]
ATA 60: Social Events for the JLD members
▷ JLD Newcomers Lunch October 24, 2019 (Thursday) 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM An informal bring-your-own lunch for conference first-timers, newcomers to the profession, veterans at the conference hotel breakfast area. ▷ JLD Annual Meeting October 25, 2019 (Friday) 4:45 … [Read more...]
ATA59 JLD Session Summary 4: J>E Translation in the Context of eDiscovery
プレゼンター:佐藤 基(Hajime Sato)International Litigation Service, Inc. 会社紹介: カリフォルニア州を拠点に原告側弁護士事務所(米国)をクライアントとし、民事訴訟において被告側から提出される電子文書を検索・閲覧できるように処理し、外国企業が絡む場合は翻訳・通訳を含む様々な関連サービスを米国弁護士へ提供。 Summary by Satoko … [Read more...]