Published Books in Translation
The Literary Division’s 2023 Catalog of Member Publications is now out! Download a copy with clickable links here.
From 2010 to 2020, the Literary Division showcased the books translated by our members on this Wall of Fame. You can browse that list below.
For newer publications, see the online catalog published in 2022.
Anne Milano Appel
Deviation, by Luce D’Eramo, FSG, Italy, 2018 (Fiction). Original title in Italian: Deviazione.
Theory of Shadows, by Paolo Maurensig, FSG, Italy, 2018 (Fiction). Original title in Italian: Teoria delle ombre.
Journeying, by Claudio Magris, Yale U Press, Italy, 2018 (Non fiction / Essays). Original title in Italian: L’infinito viaggiare.
The Night of the Moths, by Riccardo Bruni, AmazonCrossing, Italy, 2017 (Fiction). Original title in Italian: La notte delle falene.
Blameless, by Claudio Magris, Yale University Press, US, 2017 (Fiction). Original title in Italian: Non luogo a proceder.
Never Again So Close, by Claudia Serrano, AmazonCrossing, US, 2017 (Fiction). Original title in Italian: Mai più così vicina.
Don’t Tell Me You’re Afraid, by Giuseppe Catozzella, The Penguin Press, US, 2016 (Fiction). Original title in Italian: Non dirmi che hai paura.
My Italians, by Roberto Saviano, Penguin UK, UK, 2016 (Non-Fiction). Original title in Italian: Vieni via con me.
Syrian Dust, by Francesca Borri, Seven Stories Press, US, 2016 (Non-Fiction). Original title in Italian: La Guerra Dentro.
The Prince, by Vito Bruschini, Atria/Simon & Schuster, USA, 2015 (Fiction). Original title in Italian: The Father. Il padrino dei padrini.
Like Family, by Paolo Giordano, Pamela Dorman Bks/Viking, USA, 2015 (Fiction). Original title in Italian: Il nero e l’argento.
The Indigo Child, by Marco Franzoso, Amazon e-book, USA, 2015 (Fiction). Original title in Italian: Il bambino indaco.
Stories and Essays (Complete Works of Primo Levi), by Primo Levi, W.W.Norton, USA, 2015 (Fiction & Non-Fiction). Original title in Italian: Racconti e saggi.
The Human Body, by Paolo Giordano, Pamela Dorman Books/Viking/Penguin, New York, 2014 (Fiction). Original title in Italian: Il corpo umano.
Three Light-Years, by Andrea Canobbio, Farrar Straus & Giroux, , 2014 (Fiction). Original title in Italian: Tre anni luce.
The Art of Joy, by Goliarda Sapienza, Penguin UK and Farrar Straus & Giroux, , 2013 (Fiction). Original title in Italian: L’arte della gioia.
PO Box Love, by Paola Calvetti, St. Martin’s Press, , 2012 (Fiction). Original title in Italian: Noi due come un romanzo.
I Will Have Vengeance, by Maurizio de Giovanni, Hersilia Press, , 2012 (Fiction). Original title in Italian: Il senso del dolore.
Scent of a Woman, by Giovanni Arpino, Penguin UK, UK, 2011 (Fiction). Original title in Italian: Il buio e il miele.
Blindly, by Claudio Magris, Hamish Hamilton/Penguin, Canada, 2010; reprinted Yale University Press, USA, 2012 (Fiction). Original title in Italian: Alla cieca.
Paula Arturo
International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Argentina, Family Law, by Marisa Herrera and Natalia de la Torre, Kluwer Law International, Belgium, 2015 (Non fiction). Original title in Spanish: Enciclopia Internacional de Leyes: Argentina, Derecho de Familia.
Pobreza, justicia y el estado de derecho, by Various Authors. Edited by Peter D. Maynard, PhD and Neil Gold, LSM, LLM, International Bar Association, United Kingdom, 2014 (Non fiction). Original title in English: Poverty, Justice and the Rule of Law.
Knowing More IV: Access to Public Information and Open Government Partnership, by Various Authors. Edited by Karina Banfi, Alianza Regional, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2013 (Non fiction). Original title in Spanish: Saber Más IV: Acceso a la información pública y la alianza del gobierno abierto.
Making Justice: Further Discussions on the Prosecution of Crimes against Humanity in Argentina, by CELS, Siglo XXI Editores, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2012 (Non fiction). Original title in Spanish: Hacer Justicia. Nuevos debates sobre el juzgamiento de crímenes de lesa humanidad.
Michele M. Aynesworth
Season of Infamy: A Diary of War and Occupation, 1939-1945, by Charles Rist, Indiana UP, USA, 2016 (Diary). Original title in French: Une saison gâtée.
Deir-Zor : On the Trail of the Armenian Genocide of 1915, by Bardig Kouyoumdjian (photos) and Christine Siméone (text)., Bardig Kouyoumdjian, Canada, 2010 (Photographic Essay). Original title in French: Deir-es-Zor: Sur les traces du génocide arménien de 1915.
Tony Beckwith
The Eagle and the Cross, by Roberto Brown, Self published, Mexico City, Mexico, 2012 (History). Original title in Spanish: El águila y la cruz.
Modern and Contemporary Works from Malba, by Mari Carmen Ramírez, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston and Yale University Press, Houston, Texas USA, 2012 (Art). Original title in Spanish: Obras modernas y contemporáneas del Malba.
Color in Space and Time, by Carlos Cruz-Diez, Mari Carmen Ramírez, and Héctor Olea, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Foundation, Houston, and Yale University Press, Houston, Texas USA, 2011 (Art). Original title in Spanish: Color en el espacio y el tiempo.
Liv Bliss
The Pet Hawk of the House of Abbas, by Dmitry Chen, Edward & Dee / RIS Publications, USA, 2013 (Fiction). Original title in Russian: Lyubimy yastreb doma Abbasa/Любимый ястреб дома Аббаса.
Gudrun Brunot
The Brides of Midsummer, by Vilhelm Moberg, The Minnesota Historical Society Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, 2014 (Fiction). Original title in Swedish: Brudarnas Källa.
Sue Burke
Spanish Women of Wonder, by Anthology, Palabaristas Press, Spain, 2016 (Science fiction). Original title in Spanish: Alucinadas.
Twilight of the Normidons, by Sergio Llanes, Dokusou Ediciones, Spain, 2016 (Fantasy). Original title in Spanish: El Ocaso de los Normidones.
Confusion of Confusions, by Joseph de la Vega, Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores, Madrid, Spain, 2015 (Literary non-fiction). Original title in Spanish: Confusión de Confusiones.
Prodigies, by Angélica Gorodischer, Small Beer Press, Easthampton, MA, USA, 2015 (Fiction). Original title in Spanish: Prodigios.
Sue Burke, with Lawrence Schimel
Terra Nova: An Anthology of Contemporary Spanish Science Fiction, by Mariano Villarreal, Editor, Sportula, Spain, 2013 (Fiction). Original title in Spanish: Terra Nova. Antología de Ciencia Ficción Contemporánea.
Lisa Carter
Silent Shadow, by Luis Sanz Irles, XXI Books, USA, 2017 (Fiction). Original title in Spanish: Una callada sombra.
Potslom: Tales from the Indigenous Peoples of Mexico, by Dr. Lino Santacruz Moctezuma (Ed.), Álamos Publishing, Berlin, 2016 (Short stories/indigenous tales). Original title in Spanish: Potslom: Cuentos de los pueblos indígenas de México.
The House of Impossible Loves, by Cristina López Barrio, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, New York, 2013 (Fiction). Original title in Spanish: La casa de los amores imposibles.
The Einstein Enigma, by José Rodrigues dos Santos, HarperCollins, New York, 2010 (Fiction). Original title in Spanish: La fórmula de Dios.
Voltaire’s Calligrapher, by Pablo De Santis, HarperCollins, New York, 2010 (Fiction). Original title in Spanish: El calígrafo de Voltaire.
Violet Cho
Poems of Mya Kabyar, Tin Nwan Lwin and Khaing Mar Kyaw Zaw, by Mya Kabyar, Tin Nwan Lwin and Khaing Mar Kyaw Zaw, Vagabond Press, Sydney, Australia, 2014 (Poetry). Original title in Burmese: Anthology.
Kate Deimling
You’re About to Make a Terrible Mistake: How Biases Distort Decision-Making and What You Can Do to Fight Them, by Olivier Sibony, Little, Brown, USA, 2020 (Non-fiction, business). Original title in French: Vous allez commettre une terrible erreur !
A Woman Like Her, by Marc Levy, AmazonCrossing, USA, 2020 (Fiction). Original title in French: Une fille comme elle.
Yves Saint Laurent, by Laurence Benaïm, Rizzoli, USA, 2019 (Non-fiction, biography). Original title in French: Yves Saint Laurent.
Painting the Dream, by Daniel Bergez, Abbeville Press, USA, 2018 (Non-fiction, art history). Original title in French: Peindre le rêve.
Vino Business: The Cloudy World of French Wine, by Isabelle Saporta, Grove Atlantic, USA, 2015 (Non-fiction, business and politics). Original title in French: Vino Business.
Doris Ecker
Cow – A Bovine Biography, by Florian Werner, Greystone Books, Vancouver, Canada, 2011; reprinted Greystone Books, USA, 2012 (Literary non-fiction). Original title in German: Die Kuh – Leben, Werk und Wirkung.
Cheryl A. Fain
Beyond Muesli and Fondue: The Swiss Contribution to Culinary History, by Martin Dahinden,, Inc., St. Petersburg, FL, 2018 (Nonfiction, culinary history). Original title in German: Schweizer Küchengeheimnisse.
Joseph Favre: The Revolutionary and His Culinary Dictionary, by Martin Dahinden and Anita Dahinden, Embassy of Switzerland, Washington, D.C., 2015 (Nonfiction, culinary history). Original title in German: Joseph Favre: der Revolutionär und sein Küchenlexikon.
Anna Weckerin and Her Delightful New Cookbook, by Martin Dahinden and Anita Dahinden, Embassy of Switzerland, Washington, D.C., 2015 (Nonfiction, culinary history). Original title in German: Anna Weckerin und ihr Köstlich new Kochbuch.
The Swiss Contribution to the World of Ice Cream Treats, by Martin Dahinden and Anita Dahinden, Embassy of Switzerland, Washington, D.C., 2015 (Nonfiction, culinary history). Original title in German: Speiseeis für das viktorianische London: Carlo Gatti.
Delmonico’s and Haute Cuisine in the New World, by Martin Dahinden and Anita Dahinden, Embassy of Switzerland, Washington, D.C., 2015 (Nonfiction, culinary history). Original title in German: Delmonico und die Haute Cuisine in der neuen Welt.
Dunand: Napoleon’s Chef and Poulet Marengo, by Martin Dahinden and Anita Dahinden, Embassy of Switzerland, Washington, D.C., 2015 (Nonfiction, culinary history). Original title in German: Dunand: der Koch Napoleons und das Poulet Marengo.
Oscar of the Waldorf, by Martin Dahinden and Anita Dahinden, Embassy of Switzerland, Washington, D.C., 2015 (Nonfiction, culinary history). Original title in German: Oscar vom Waldorf.
Maestro Martino: A Ticinese Ends the Culinary Middle Ages, by Martin Dahinden and Anita Dahinden, Embassy of Switzerland, Washington, D.C., 2015 (Nonfiction, culinary history). Original title in German: Maestro Martino: ein Tessiner beendet das kulinarische Mittelalter.
Vatel and the Sun King’s Delights of the Table, by Martin Dahinden and Anita Dahinden, Embassy of Switzerland, Washington, D.C., 2015 (Nonfiction, culinary history). Original title in German: Vatel und die Tafelfreuden des Sonnenkönigs.
César Ritz: King of Hoteliers and Hotelier to Kings, by Martin Dahinden and Anita Dahinden, Embassy of Switzerland, Washington, D.C., 2015 (Nonfiction, culinary history). Original title in German: César Ritz: König der Hoteliers und Hotelier der Könige.
Shelley Fairweather-Vega
How Our Emotions and Bodies are Vital for Abstract Thought: Perfect Mathematics for Imperfect Minds, by Anna Sverdlik, Routledge, New York, 2018 (Popular science). Original title in Russian: Как эмоции влияют на абстрактное мышление и почему математика невероятно точна.
The Sin Collector, by Daria Desombre, AmazonCrossing, Seattle, WA, 2017 (Mystery). Original title in Russian: Призрак небесного Иерусалима.
Carmen Ferreiro-Esteban
Bécquer eterno, by Carmen Ferreiro-Esteban, Crimson Romance, USA, 2012 (Paranormal Romance). Original title in English: Immortal Love.
Simona Gauri
Mother Earth, by Mario Pacchiarotti, Youcanprint, Italy, 2014 (Sci-Fi). Original title in Italian: Madre Terra.
Dublin Calling – A Migrant’s Restlessness, by Robert Sanasi, Youcanprint, Italy, 2014 (Fiction). Original title in Italian: Dublin Calling – Inquietudini Emigranti.
Christine M. Grimm
Chara Intermedia: The Cleansing Power of an Ancient Alga, by Heidi Brandt and Norbert Groeger, Narayana Verlag, Kandern, Germany, 2014 (Non-fiction). Original title in German: Chara Intermedia.
Juice Therapy, by Rosina Sonnenschmidt, Narayana Verlag, Kandern, Germany, 2014 (Non-fiction). Original title in German: Die Safttherapie.
Endocrine Glands: Basis Sources of Spiritual Power (Vol. 7), by Rosina Sonnenschmidt, Narayana Verlag, Kandern, Germany, 2014 (Non-fiction). Original title in German: Endokrine Druesen -Basiskraefte der Spiritualitaet.
Female and Male Sexual Organs: Self-Realisation (Vol. 8), by Rosina Sonnenschmidt, Narayana Verlag, Kandern, Germany, 2014 (Non-fiction). Original title in German: Weibliche und maennliche Sexualorgane – Selbstverwirklichung.
The Heart of Homeopathy, by Ruth Raspe, Narayana Verlag, Kandern, Germany, 2013 (Non-fiction). Original title in German: Homeopathische Eselsbruecken.
Heart and Circulation: Natural Authority (Vol. 6), by Rosina Sonnenschmidt, Narayana Verlag, Kandern, Germany, 2013 (Non-fiction). Original title in German: Herz und Kreislauf – natuerliche Autoritaet.
Swimming with Sharks, by Nele Neuhaus, Amazon Crossing, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2013 (Fiction). Original title in German: Unter Haien.
Respiratory System: Life and Consciousness (Vol. 4), by Rosina Sonnenschmidt, Narayana Verlag, Kandern, Germany, 2012 (Non-fiction). Original title in German: Das Atemsystem – Leben und Bewusstsein.
Kidneys and Bladder: Basis of Self-Realisation (Vol. 5), by Rosina Sonnenschmidt, Narayana Verlag, Kandern, Germany, 2012 (Non-fiction). Original title in German: Nieren und Blasé – Basis der Selbstverwirklichung.
Homeopathy for Radiactivity, by Rosina Sonnenschmidt, Narayana Verlag, Kandern, Germany, 2011 (Non-fiction). Original title in German: Homeopathie bei Radioaktivitaet.
Blood: Fluid Consciousness (Vol. 1 of the Organ-Conflict-Cure Series), by Rosina Sonnenschmidt, Narayana Verlag, Kandern, Germany, 2011 (Non-fiction). Original title in German: Blut – fluessiges Bewusstsein (Band 1 von Schriftenreihe Organ – Konflict – Heilung).
Mercedes Guhl
Pequeña, by Holly Goldberg Sloan, Océano de México, Mexico, 2018 (Children’s fiction). Original title in English: Short.
La oradora, by Traci Chee, Océano de México, Mexico, 2018 (YA fiction). Original title in English: The Speaker.
Solo es un piropo, by Maria Stoian, Océano de México, Mexico, 2017 (Graphic novel). Original title in English: It’s just a compliment.
El rapto del príncipe Margarina, by Mark Twain and Philip Stead, Océano de México, Mexico, 2017 (Children’s fiction). Original title in English: The purloining of Prince Oleomargarin.
El proyecto de Wendy, by Melissa Jane Osborne and Veronica Fish, Océano de México, Mexico, 2017 (Graphic novel). Original title in English: Wendy’s Project.
La lectora, by Traci Chee, Océano de México, Mexico, 2016 (YA fiction). Original title in English: The Reader.
Notas suicidas de chicas hermosas, by Lynn Weingarten, Océano de México, Mexico, 2016 (YA fiction). Original title in English: Suicide notes from beautiful girls.
Cómo hacerse invisible, by Tim Lott, Océano de México, Mexico, 2015 (YA fiction). Original title in English: How to be invisible.
El único e incomparable Iván, by Katherine Applegate, Océano de México, Mexico, 2013 (Children’s fiction). Original title in English: The one and only Ivan.
De cómo Tía Lola salvó el verano, by Julia Alvarez, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2012; reprinted Alfaguara, Santo Domingo, 2012 (Children’s fiction). Original title in English: How Tía Lola Saved the Summer.
Zombis, by Kirsty McKay, Océano de México, Mexico, 2012 (YA fiction). Original title in English: Undead.
Una boda en Haití, by Julia Alvarez, CA Press and Penguin US, , 2012 (Travel). Original title in English: A wedding in Haiti.
De cómo tía Lola terminó empezando otra vez, by Julia Alvarez, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2012; reprinted Alfaguara, Santo Domingo, 2013 (Children’s fiction). Original title in English: How Tía Lola Ended Up Starting Over.
De cómo Tía Lola aprendió a ensenar, by Julia Alvarez, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2011; reprinted Alfaguara, Santo Domingo, 2011 (Children’s fiction). Original title in English: How Tía Lola Learned to Teach.
Rebelión en la frontera: el anarquismo y el plan de San Diego, 1904-1923, by James A. Sandos, Comisión para la conmemoración en Tamaulipas del Bicentenario y el Centenario, Cd. Victoria, Mexico, 2010 (History). Original title in English: Rebellion in the Borderlands: Anarchism and the Plan of San Diego, 1904-1923.
Mercedes Guhl and Alfredo Villegas
Descender, by Jeff Lemire and Dustin Nguyen, Océano de México, Mexico, 2016 (Graphic novel). Original title in English: Descender.
Poptrópica vols. 1 y 2, by Mitch Krpata and Kory Merrit, Océano de México, Mexico, 2016 (Graphic novel). Original title in English: Poptropica vols. 1 and 2.
Zakiya Hanafi
Theory of the Novel, by Guido Mazzoni, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 2017 (Literary criticism/History of literature). Original title in Italian: Teoria del romanzo.
Persons and Things: From the Body’s Point of View, by Roberto Esposito, Polity Books, Cambridge, UK, 2015 (Political philosophy). Original title in Italian: Persone e cose.
Two. The Machine of Political Theology and the Place of Thought, by Roberto Esposito, Fordham University Press, Brooklyn, NY, 2015 (Political philosophy). Original title in Italian: Due.
New Demons. Rethinking Power and Evil Today, by Simona Forti, Stanford University Press, Stanford CA, 2014 (Political philosophy). Original title in Italian: Nuovi demoni. Ripensare oggi male e potere.
Third Person. Politics of Life and Philosophy of the Impersonal, by Roberto Esposito, Polity Books, Cambridge, UK, 2012 (Philosophy). Original title in Italian: Terza persona. Politica della vita e filsofia dell’impersonale.
Living Thought. The Actuality and Origins of Italian Philosophy, by Roberto Esposito, Stanford University Press, Stanford, USA, 2012 (Philosophy). Original title in Italian: Pensiero vivente. Origine e attualità della filosofia italiana.
Immunitas. The Protection and Negation of Life, by Roberto Esposito, Polity Books, Cambridge, UK, 2011 (Philosophy). Original title in Italian: Immunitas. Protezione e negazione della vita.
Christiane Handrick-Bauer
Der Bruder ihrer besten Freundin, by T.J. Dell, Amazon Crossing, , 2014 (Fiction). Original title in English: Her best Friend’s Brother.
JT Hine
How To Talk to Children about ISIS, by Dario Ianes, ed., Erickson, Trento, Italy, 2018 (Essay). Original title in Italian: Parlare di Isis ai bambini.
Combat Aircraft, by Riccardo Niccoli, De Agostini, Novara, Italy, 2016 (History). Original title in Italian: Aerei da combattimento.
Schio: Industrial Archeology, by Bernardetta Ricatti, Edizioni Sassi, Vicenza, Italy, 2013 (Photo essay). Original title in Italian: Schio: archeologia industriale.
Beyond the Age of Oil, by Leonardo Maugeri, Praeger, Santa Barbara, Ca, USA, 2010 (Essay). Original title in Italian: Con tutto l’olio possibile.
Eva Ibarzábal
Mi mundo adorado, by Sonia Sotomayor, Vintage Español – Random House, NY, USA, 2013 (Memoir). Original title in English: My Beloved World.
Joyce Zoe Kalogiannis
Good Morning, Rockaway, by Olga Gerolympou, Olga Gerolympou, US, 2014 (Fiction). Original title in Greek: Good Morning, Rockaway.
Andy Klatt
Juan Gregorio Palechor: The Story of My Life, by Myriam Jimeno, Duke University Press, Durham and London, 2014 (Anthropology). Original title in Spanish: Juan Gregorio Palechor: historia de mi vida.
Between the Guerrillas and the State: The Cocalero Movement, Citizenship, and Identity in the Colombian Amazon, by María Clemencia Ramírez, Duke University Press, Durham and London, 2011 (Anthropology). Original title in Spanish: Entre el estado y la guerrilla: Identidad y ciudadanía en el movimiento de los campesinos cocaleros de Putumayo.
Andy Klatt and María Clemencia Ramírez
Replanteando el desarrollo: modernidad indígena e imaginación moral, by David D. Gow, Editorial Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá (Colombia), 2010 (Anthropology). Original title in English: Countering Development: Indigenous Modernity and the Moral Imagination .
Ingrid G. Lansford
The Pope of the Indies, by Ib Michael, Gyldendal E-Books, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012 (Fiction). Original title in Danish: Paven af Indien.
Rafa Lombardino
The Two Sides of the Pumpkin, by Caco Porto, self-published, Brazil / USA, 2013 (Fiction). Original title in Portuguese: As duas faces da abóbora.
The Alliance, by Beto Córdova, self-published, Brazil / USA, 2013 (Fiction). Original title in Portuguese: A aliança.
Humanistic Capitalism, by Ricardo Sayeg and Wagner Balera, KBR Editora Digital, Brazil / USA, 2013 (Economics). Original title in Portuguese: O capitalismo humanista.
Filicide – Notes on Narcissism, by Carmem Dametto, KBR Editora Digital, Brazil / USA, 2013 (Psychology). Original title in Portuguese: Filicídio.
Simply Astrology, by Rosângela Alvarenga, KBR Editora Digital, Brazil / USA, 2013 (Astrology). Original title in Portuguese: Introdução à astrologia.
Pau que nasce torto, by Joe Perrone Jr, self-published, Brazil / USA, 2012 (Fiction). Original title in English: As the Twig is Bent.
Oásis, by Bryce Beattie, self-published, Brazil / USA, 2012 (Fiction). Original title in English: Oasis.
Casos mal resolvidos, by Terri Reid, self-published, Brazil / USA, 2012 (Fiction). Original title in English: Loose Ends.
Incan Chimera, by Pedro Marangoni, self-published, Brazil / USA, 2012 (Fiction). Original title in Portuguese: Chimeras incas.
Um zumbi na noite, by Tom Lichtenberg, self-published, Brazil / USA, 2011 (Fiction). Original title in English: Zombie Nights.
O mistério da Mansão Valência, by Sharon Hays, self-published, Brazil / USA, 2011 (Fiction). Original title in English: Mysteerie Manor.
Steven McGrath
The Biosphere and Civilization: In the Throes of a Global Crisis, by Dr. Victor Danilov-Danil’yan and Dr. Igor Reyf, Springer Nature, Chams, Switzerland, 2018 (Popular Science). Original title in Russian: Биосфера и Цивилизация.
Nanette McGuinness
Luisa: Now and Then, by Carole Maurel, Humanoids, Los Angeles, US, 2018 (Graphic novel). Original title in French: Luisa: ici et là.
Sea Creatures #2: Armed & Dangerous, by Christopher Cazenove, Papercutz, NY, US, 2017 (Graphic novel). Original title in French: Les animaux marins, V. 2.
The Sisters, Vol. 4: Selfie Awareness, by Christopher Cazenove, Papercutz, NY, US, 2017 (Graphic novel). Original title in French: Les Sisters, tome. 7: Mon coup d’soleil, c’est toi and tome. 8, Tout pour lui plaire .
The Sisters Graphic Novels#3: Honestly, I Love My Sister , by Christophe Cazenove and William Maury, Papercutz, US, 2017 (Graphic novel). Original title in Italian: Les sisters, tome 5: Quelle chouchoute! + tome 6: Un namour de sister.
Geronimo Stilton Graphic Novels #19: Lost in Translation, by Geronimo Stilton, Papercutz, US, 2017 (Graphic novel). Original title in Italian: Lost in Translation.
A Song for the Thea Sisters (Thea Stilton Graphic Novels #7), by Thea Stilton, Papercutz, US, 2017 (Children’s graphic novel). Original title in Italian: A Song for the Thea Sisters.
Reef Madness (Sea Creatures in Their Own Words Graphic Novels #1), by Christophe Cazenove, Papercutz, US, 2017 (Graphic nonfiction). Original title in French: Les animaux marins, vol. 1.
California Dreamin’: Cass Elliott Before The Mamas & the Papas, by Penelope Bagieu, First Second Books, US, 2017 (Adult biography, Graphic novel). Original title in French: California Dreamin’.
Mickey’s Inferno (Disney Great Parodies #1), by Dante Alighieri, Papercutz, US, 2016 (Children’s graphic novel). Original title in Italian: L’inferno di topolino.
The Mystery of the Pirate Ship (Geronimo Stilton Graphic Novels #17), by Geronimo Stilton, Papercutz, US, 2016 (Children’s graphic novel). Original title in Italian: The Mystery of the Pirate Ship.
First to the Last Place on Earth (Geronimo Stilton Graphic Novels #18), by Geronimo Stilton, Papercutz, US, 2016 (Children’s graphic novel). Original title in Italian: First to the Last Place on Earth.
The Thea Sisters and the Mystery at Sea (Thea Stilton Graphic Novels #6), by Thea Stilton, Papercutz, US, 2016 (Children’s graphic novel). Original title in Italian: The Thea Sisters and the Mystery at Sea.
Geronimo Stilton #16: Lights, Camera, Stilton, by Geronimo Stilton, Papercutz, US, 2015 (Children’s graphic novel). Original title in Italian: Ciak, si gira, Geronimo Stilton.
Cathedral of Fear, by Irene Adler and Iacopo Bruno, Capstone, US, 2015 (Children’s fiction). Original title in Italian: La cattedrale della paura.
Thief of Mirrors, by Pierdomenico Baccalario, Capstone, US, 2015 (Children’s fiction). Original title in Italian: La ladra di specchi.
Dinosaurs #4: A Game of Bones, by Arnaud Plumeri and Bloz, Papercutz, US, 2015 (Children’s fiction). Original title in French: Les Dinoasaures…#4.
Thea Stilton #5: The Secret of the Waterfall in the Woods, by Francesco Savino, Papercutz, US, 2015 (Children’s fiction). Original title in Italian: Il segreto della cascata nel bosco.
Dinosaurs: Jurassic Smarts, by Arnaud Plumeri, Papercutz, US, 2014 (Children’s fiction). Original title in French: Les dinosaures en BD. Tome 3.
Catching the Giant Wave, by Thea Stilton, Papercutz, US, 2014 (Children’s fiction). Original title in Italian: Aspettando l’onda gigante.
The Treasure of the Viking Ship, by Thea Stilton, Papercutz, US, 2014 (Children’s fiction). Original title in French: Il tesore della nave vichinga.
Dinosaurs: Bite of the Albertosaurus, by Arnaud Plumeri, Papercutz, US, 2014 (Children’s fiction). Original title in French: Les dinosaures en BD. Tome 2.
The Fastest Train in the West, by Geronimo Stilton, Papercutz, US, 2013 (Children’s fiction). Original title in Italian: Il treno piu veloce del Far West.
Dinosaurs: In the Beginning, by Arnaud Plumeri, Papercutz, US, 2013 (Children’s fiction). Original title in French: Les dinosaures en BD, Tome 1.
The First Samurai, by Geronimo Stilton, Papercutz, US, 2013 (Children’s fiction). Original title in Italian: Il primo samurai.
Revenge of the Lizard Club, by Thea Stilton, Papercutz, US, 2013 (Children’s fiction). Original title in Italian: La rivicinta del Club delle Lucertole.
The Secret of Whale Island, by Thea Stilton, Papercutz, US, 2013 (Children’s fiction). Original title in Italian: Il secreto dell’isola delle balene.
Geronimo Stilton Saves the Olympics, by Geronimo Stilton, Papercutz, US, 2012 (Children’s fiction). Original title in Italian: Hai salvato le Olimpiade, Stilton!.
We’ll Always Have Paris, by Geronimo Stilton, Papercutz, US, 2012 (Children’s fiction). Original title in Italian: IL mistero della torre Eiffel.
The Weird Book Machine, by Geronimo Stilton, Papercutz, US, 2011 (Children’s fiction). Original title in Italian: La strana macchina dei libri.
Play it Again, Mozart, by Geronimo Stilton, Papercutz, US, 2011 (Children’s fiction). Original title in Italian: Suonala ancora, Mozart!.
Dinosaurs in Action, by Geronimo Stilton, Papercutz, US, 2011 (Children’s fiction). Original title in Italian: Dinosauri in azione!.
Who Stole the Mona Lisa?, by Geronimo Stilton, Papercutz, US, 2010 (Children’s fiction). Original title in Italian: Chi a rubato la Gioconda?.
The Grea Ice Age, by Geronimo Stilton, Papercutz, US, 2010 (Children’s fiction). Original title in Italian: La grande era glaciale.
Following the Trail of Marco Polo, by Geronimo Stilton, Papercutz, US, 2010 (Children’s fiction). Original title in Italian: Sulle tracce di Marco Polo.
Nanette McGuinness and Anne and Owen Smith
Just Like Family (The Sisters Graphic Novels #1), by Cazenove and William, Papercutz, US, 2016 (Children’s graphic novel). Original title in French: Les Sisters: vol. 1 & 2.
Linda Ann Marianiello
Germany’s Prophet: Paul de Lagarde & the Origins of Modern Antisemitism, by Ulrich Sieg, Brandeis University Press, Waltham, MA USA, 2013 (Biography). Original title in German: Deutschlands Prophet: Paul de Lagarde und die Ursprünge des modernen Antisemitismus.
Linda Marianiello and Franz Vote
Gertrud Kolmar: A Literary Life, by Dieter Kühn, Northwestern University Press, Evanston, IL USA, 2013 (Biography and poetry). Original title in German: Gertrud Kolmar Leben und Werk, Zeit und Tod.
Corinne McKay
Night Naked: A Climber’s Autobiography, by Erhard Loretan, with Jean Ammann, Mountaineers Books, Seattle, WA, 2016 (Non-fiction, memoir). Original title in French: .
Sherpa: The Memoir of Ang Tharkay, by Ang Tharkay, with Basil P. Norton, Mountaineers Books, Seattle, WA, 2016 (Non-fiction, memoir). Original title in French: Mémoires d’un Sherpa.
David McKay
War and Turpentine, by Stefan Hertmans, Pantheon (US)/Harvill Secker (UK), New York/London, 2016 (Novel). Original title in Dutch: Oorlog en terpentijn.
Stories in the Penguin Book of Short Stories, by Arthur van Schendel, W.B. Hotz, and others, Penguin, London, 2016 (Short stories). Original title in Dutch: .
Everything to Nothing: The Poetry of the Great War, Revolution and the Transformation of Europe, by Geert Buelens, Verso, New York/London, 2015 (Literary non-fiction). Original title in Dutch: Europa Europa! Over de dichters van de Grote Oorlog.
Zoe Perry, with Stefan Tobler
All Dogs Are Blue, by Rodrigo de Souza Leão, And Other Stories, , 2013 (Fiction). Original title in Portuguese: Todos os cachorros são azuis.
Louise Popkin
Witness; the Selected Poetry of Mario Benedetti, by Mario Benedetti, White Pine Press, Buffalo, NY, 2012 (Poetry). Original title in Spanish: (anthology drawn from 30 collections of poetry).
Mariane Reiner
Trial by Fire, by David Grann, Editions Allia, Paris, 2010 (Non fiction). Original title in English: Trial by Fire.
Une quête infinie: auprès de Mère Teresa, mon itinéraire entre passion et désillusion, by Mary Johnson, Robert Laffont, Paris, 2013 (Non fiction). Original title in English: An Unquenchable Thirst: A Memoir.
Jeannette K. Ringold
A Dangerous Legacy: Judaism and the psychoanalytic movement, by Hans Reijzer, Karnac Books Ltd., London, UK, 2011 (Non-fiction). Original title in Dutch: Het gevaar van de joodse erfenis.
Counterpoint, by Anna Enquist, UWA Press [University of Western Australia], Australia, 2010 (Fiction). Original title in Dutch: Contrapunt.
Patrick Saari
Great Controversies of the Bible: Myth, Fact, and Fallacy, by Robert Ramia-Enríquez, iUniverse, New York, 2010 (Non-fiction, essay). Original title in Spanish: Spanish original was not published.
Stacey Alba Skar Hawkins
Where The Streets Have No Name, by María Augusta Montealegre, The Latin Review Editors, Miami, USA, 2015 (Poetry). Original title in Spanish: El país de las calles sin nombre.
Luna Mojada, by Francisco de Asís Fernández, Granises, La Otra, México DF, México, 2015 (Poetry). Original title in Spanish: Luna Mojada – Bilingual Edition.
Stacey Alba D. Skar
Rhythms of the Pachakuti: Indigenous Uprising and State Power in Bolivia, by Raquel Gutiérrez Aguilar, Duke University Press, Durham, NH USA, 2014 (Non-fiction). Original title in Spanish: Los ritmos del Pachakuti: Movilización y levantamiento indígena-popular en Bolivia.
Adiós Muchachos: A Memoir of the Sandinista Revolution, by Sergio Ramírez, Duke University Press, Durham, NH USA, 2011 (Non-fiction, memoir). Original title in Spanish: Adiós muchachos: Una memoria de la revolución sandinista.
Hermann Schibli
Hashish: The Lost Legend, by Fritz Lemmermayer, Process Media, Port Townsend, WA, 2013 (Fiction). Original title in German: Haschisch: eine orientalische Erzählung.
Marian Schwartz
Playing a Part, by Daria Wilke, Arthur A. Levine Books, New York, 2015 (YA fiction). Original title in Russian: Shutovskoi kolpak.
Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 2014 (novel). Original title in Russian: Anna Karenina/Анна Каренина.
Walpurgis Night, or the Steps of the Commander, by Venedikt Erofeev, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 2014 (play). Original title in Russian: Val’purgieva noch’, ili “Shagi komandora”/Вальпургиева ночь, или “Шаги командора”.
High Society Dinners: Dining in Tsarist Russia, by Yuri Lotman and Elena Pogosjan, Prospect Books, London, 2014 (history). Original title in Russian: Velikosvetskie obedy/Великосветские обеды.
The Sublimes, by Yuri Mamleyev, Haute Culture, Stockholm, 2014 (Novel). Original title in Russian: Shatuny/Шатуны.
Rachel, by Andrei Gelasimov, AmazonCrossing, Seattle, 2014 (Novel). Original title in Russian: Rakhil’/Рахиль.
The Lying Year, by Andrei Gelasimov, AmazonCrossing, Seattle, 2013 (Novel). Original title in Russian: God obmana/Год обмана.
Harlequin’s Costume, by Leonid Yuzefovich, Glagoslav, London, 2013 (Novel). Original title in Russian: Kostium arlekina/Костюм арлекина.
Gods of the Steppe, by Andrei Gelasimov, AmazonCrossing, Seattle, 2013 (Novel). Original title in Russian: Stepnye bogi/Степные боги.
The Leningrad Blockade, by Richard Bidlack and Nikita Lomagin, eds., Yale University Press, New Haven, 2012 (Non-fiction). Original title in Russian: n/a.
Black Square, by Aleksandra Shatskikh, Yale University Press, New Haven, 2012 (Non-fiction). Original title in Russian: Chernyi kvadrat/Черный квадрат.
Maidenhair, by Mikhail Shishkin, Open Letter Books, Rochester, NY, 2012 (Novel). Original title in Russian: Venerin volos/Венерин волос.
Thirst, by Andrei Gelasimov, AmazonCrossing, Seattle, 2011 (Novel). Original title in Russian: Zhazhda/Жажда.
Joan Shnier
Traces. Memories of Resistance. (Argentina 1974 – 1983), by María del Carmen Sillato, Abrazos, Stuttgart, 2013 (Poetry). Original title in Spanish: Huellas. Memorias de la resistencia. (Argentina 1974 – 1983).
Lydia Razran Stone and Vladimir Kovner (translated and edited)
Okudzhava Bilingual (Issue 31 Summer 2015 of Chteniya/Readings, by Bulat Okudzhava, Russian Life Books, Montpelier, VT, 2015; reprinted Bilingual edition, , (Poetry). Original title in Russian: Compendium had no original title.
Lydia Razran Stone
The Little Humpbacked Horse, by Pyotr Yershov, Russian Life Books, Montpelier, VT, 2014; reprinted Bilingual edition, , (Poetry). Original title in Russian: Конек Горбунок.
Tolstoy Bilingual (Issue 20 Fall 2012 of Chtenia/Readings), by Leo Tolstoy, Russian Life Books, Montpelier, VT, 2012; reprinted edited and retranslated, , (Fiction). Original title in Russian: Compendium had no original title.
The Frogs who Begged for a Tsar (and 61 other Russian Fables), by Ivan Krylov, Russian Life Books, Montpelier, VT, 2010 (Fiction). Original title in Russian: Collection had no original title .
Chekhov Bilingual (Issue 12 Fall 2010 of Chtenia/Readings), by Anton Chekhov, Russian Life Books, Montpelier, VT, 2010; reprinted retranslated from Garnett. version, , (Fiction). Original title in Russian: Compendium had no original title.
Helen M. Szablya
Mind Twisters, by Ernest Töttösy, CreateSpace, , 2013 (Autobiography). Original title in Hungarian: Téboly.
Jesse Tomlinson
Maximino Javier: From Jubilation to Passion, by Various authors, Black Coffee Gallery, Guadalajara, Mexico, 2015 (Art book). Original title in Spanish: Maximino Javier: Del júbilo a la pasión.
Same as original, by Secreatriat of the state of Jalisco, Secretaría del Estado de Jalisco, Guadalajara, Mexico, 2015 (Photography). Original title in Spanish: Jalisco en la mira de sus fotógrafos.
Claudia Torres de León
Nosotros no hablamos de eso, by Patrick Williams, COLSAN, Mexico City, 2013 (Anthropology). Original title in French: Nous on n’en parle pas.
Judas en el Jockey Club, by William Beezley, COLSAN, Mexico City, 2010 (Anthropology). Original title in English: Judas at the Jockey Club.
Madeleine Velguth
Nihilism and Negritude, by Célestin Monga, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2016 (Nonfiction). Original title in French: Nihilisme et négritude.
Southern Cross, vol. 1 of CSA: Confederate States of America, by Dorvall and Renne, Sekwana Comics, Greenville, SC, 2013 (Graphic novel). Original title in French: Southern Cross.
Reborn in America, by Eric Saugera, University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa, 2011 (History). Original title in French: Renaître en Amérique.
M. Charlotte Wolf
Original Bavarian Folktales: A Schönwerth Selection: Original bayerische Volksmärchen – Ausgewählte Schönwerth-Geschichten, by Franz von Schönwerth, Dover Dual Language, Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, NY, 2014 (Folktales). Original title in German & English: .
Great German Short Stories of the Twentieth Cenury: A Dual-Language Book, by Various, Dover Dual Language, Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, NY, 2012 (Fiction, short stories). Original title in German & English: .
Valeriya Yermishova
Life of a Bishop’s Assistant, by Viktor Shklovsky, Dalkey Archive Press, McLean, Illinois, United States, 2017 (Fiction, novel). Original title in Russian: Zhizn Arkhiereyskogo Sluzhki/Жизнь Архиерейского Служки.