ATA62 Session Reviews
Laurence Bogoslaw: Anatoly Liberman’s “The Golden Age of Russian Poetry in English”
Dmitry Beschetny: My First In-Person ATA Annual Conference
Elizabeth Tolley: ATA62 In Person: A First-Timer’s View
Nora Seligman Favorov: Anatoly Liberman’s “Translating Shakespeare’s Sonnets”
Marisa Irwin: “Vegetative Vascular What?” Medical Panel
Eugenia Tietz-Sokolskaya: Maria Guzenko’s “Beyond Meaning” Contrasting Typeface, Capitalization, and Punctuation Conventions”
Regular Columns, Features, and SLD Business
Eugenia Tietz-Sokolskaya: Notes from the Administrative Underground
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of ATA’s Slavic Languages Division
Nora Seligman Favorov: Web Watch
Lydia Razran Stone: SlavFile Lite
Martha Kosir: Slavic Poetry in Translation: Katja Gorecan
James F. Shipp: A Brief History of Russian-English Translation in America & A Brief Summary of Jim Shipp’s Career in Translation
A round of applause for the SlavFile editorial team and all the contributors!
Coming soon, our Polish-focused Spring 2022 issue: Trans-Atlantyk: Focus on Polish in collaboration with Przekłady, the UK ITI Polish
Network newsletter.
If you have feedback or ideas for future issues, contact SlavFile Editor Nora Favorov