Submit Your KLD Session Proposals!
Since the 2007 ATA Annual Conference in San Francisco, California, the KLD Conference Committee has been working with both KLD members and Division Distinguished Speakers in order to provide KLD members with Korean and English language sessions at ATA Annual Conferences for their educational and professional development.
The KLD Conference Committee identifies/invites potential speakers to propose presentation for KLD membership during the ATA Annual Conference, assists KLD members and Distinguished Speakers with writing/editing proposals, cooperates with ATA in coordinating/scheduling approved sessions and speakers, and submits reimbursement forms to ATA for approved Distinguished Speakers. The KLD Conference Committee has been very successful in getting a maximum number of KLD sessions approved by ATA.
If you would like to give a presentation as a KLD member on any topic related to interpreting/translation or recommend a Distinguished Speaker (a scholar/industry expert/professional who is not an ATA member), please do not hesitate to contact the KLD Conference Committee any time by email or in person during the ATA Conference. Speakers only need to submit a proposal, not actual presentations, to ATA by early March of each year. ATA will notify the speakers regarding approval status, which will usually be in early summer. When his/her proposal is approved, a speaker will have about 4 months to prepare for the actual presentation until the ATA Conference in late October or early November.
General Time Line:
KLD Submission Deadline for Distinguished Speakers: early January
ATA Submission Deadline for Distinguished Speakers: late January
KLD Submission Deadline for KLD members: early February
ATA Submission Deadline for KLD members: late February
ATA Approval Announcement: early June
ATA Conference: late October
2019 KLD Conference Committee
Jisu Kim (Chair)
Paul Gallagher
Caroline Kim
Vania Haam
Elena Chang
Sieun Lee
Miryoung Sohn
Carl Sullivan
Davi Kim
Hyerim Ko
Ellie Lyoo