The American Translators Association is accepting presentation proposals for the ATA 60th Annual Conference in Palm Springs, California, October 23-26, 2019. Proposals must be received by March 1, 2019.
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If you are looking for proposal ideas, here is a call from Jen Guernsey specific to the SLD:
Hello everyone! The deadline for submitting a proposal for a conference presentation is March 1. Presenting at a conference – whether as a solo act, with a colleague, or as part of a panel or a translation slam – is a fun way to get your name and face out there, connect with your colleagues, and support our conference, which relies on us members to provide nearly all of the sessions on offer. Jen Guernsey would be happy to provide you with information, suggestions, and help in getting your proposal submitted.
We have had requests for presentations on tricky interpreting situations, differences in training (particularly interpreter training) in the US vs Slavic countries, and additional translation slams. Please email Jen Guernsey ( if you would be willing to serve as a participant, panelist, or moderator on any of the following:
- Panel comparing interpreter training programs in the US versus Slavic countries
- Panel on challenging situations in interpreting
- Translation slam: from English into any Slavic language
- Translation slam: from any Slavic language into English
Thanks, and see you in Palm Springs!
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