Our colleague Yuliya Tsaplina is hosting a webinar “Bilingualism Across the Lifespan” at 1 PM Eastern this Saturday, April 2. It sounds like an interesting opportunity, especially for parents!
See below for a description of the webinar:
Our professional lives as interpreters and translators depend on our abilities to juggle multiple languages, seamlessly and in real time.
The science of bilingualism has made great strides in understanding how bilingualism changes the mind in ways that go far beyond the linguistic. Popular press coverage has made many far-reaching claims about the advantages of bilingualism.
Are bilingual people truly more empathetic?
Do they really have a greater ability to focus?
In this session we will try to separate hype from fact and will discuss the multiple advantages conferred by bilingualism across the lifespan, as well as the costs involved.
We will focus in greater detail on early bilingualism and on factors that help children acquire proficiency in multiple languages at an early age.
The talk will be followed by a Q&A session.
Follow this link for further information and to sign up for the webinar.