
Newsletter of the Italian Language Division
Tradurre is published every six months by the Italian Language Division (ILD) within the American Translators Association (ATA). Opinions expressed in this newsletter are solely those of the authors of the articles or of the Editors and can not be construed as opinions of the ATA.

Tradurre is distributed to members of the ILD, officers of the ATA and to ATA divisions.


Palm Springs Persuasion

Do you need some persuading to attend this year’s ATA Conference in Palm Springs? I bet you know about Palm Springs’ delightful weather in the fall, its hot springs, stylish hotels, yummy restaurants, and relaxing spas.

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions TRANSLATED BY MIRIAM HURLEY At this year’s ATA conference at Palm Springs, the Italian Language Division and the Literary Division are delighted to have Ann Goldstein as our special guest. After years editing the New Yorker, Goldstein is now the translator...

News from the Division Administrator

It’s been a busy few months. We have been reinvigorated by the support and enthusiasm of colleagues and Division members, to whom I am eternally grateful. We are implementing some tried-and-true initiatives and developing some new ones.

An Interview with Ann Goldstein

At this year’s ATA conference at Palm Springs, the Italian Language Division and the Literary Division are delighted to have Ann Goldstein as our special guest.

Become a member

Membership in the Italian Language Division is open to all members of the American Translators Association.
You can become a member of the ILD by selecting the division on the membership forms when first applying for ATA membership or when renewing.