by Chiara Giusti Castillo | May 17, 2021 | Evidence, Generale
Over the years, many webinars, articles, and conference lectures have addressed the topic of translation and interpretation fees. Conventional wisdom seems to suggest that the best way to approach this problem is to assess a number of parameters, such as expenses,...
by Giovanna Massari | Jan 29, 2021 | February 2021, Generale, Networking
Buon Anno! Questi primi giorni del 2021 ci stanno già mettendo alla prova. Ma non facciamoci intimidire! Ciao a tutti e buon anno! Speriamo che abbiate passato delle feste serene ed in salute. Questi primi giorni del 2021 ci stanno già mettendo alla prova. Ma non...
by Giovanna Massari | Nov 11, 2020 | Generale, November 2020
Update on the conference GIOVANNA MASSARI Just a short message to share some insights after the first ATA annual conference in virtual mode. And to say hello… Dear all, Just a short message to share some insights after the first ATA annual conference in virtual mode....
by Giovanna Massari | Jul 24, 2020 | Generale
Dear all, I am glad to take this chance to resume our conversation after these very sad past few months… First of all, I hope you are all safe and your families and friends are too. Here in Italy, we are reading with great concern about the rapid spread of Covid-19 in...