by Giovanna Massari | Jan 29, 2021 | February 2021, Generale, Networking
Buon Anno! Questi primi giorni del 2021 ci stanno già mettendo alla prova. Ma non facciamoci intimidire! Ciao a tutti e buon anno! Speriamo che abbiate passato delle feste serene ed in salute. Questi primi giorni del 2021 ci stanno già mettendo alla prova. Ma non...
by Giovanna Massari | Nov 11, 2020 | Generale, November 2020
Update on the conference GIOVANNA MASSARI Just a short message to share some insights after the first ATA annual conference in virtual mode. And to say hello… Dear all, Just a short message to share some insights after the first ATA annual conference in virtual mode....
by Giovanna Massari | Jul 24, 2020 | Generale
Dear all, I am glad to take this chance to resume our conversation after these very sad past few months… First of all, I hope you are all safe and your families and friends are too. Here in Italy, we are reading with great concern about the rapid spread of Covid-19 in...