American Translators Association
Italian Language DivisionWelcome to the website of the Italian Language Division (ILD)!
Established in November 1999, the ILD is a Division of the American Translators Association.
ATA was founded in 1959 and is the largest professional association of translators and interpreters in the world, with 8,000+ members in more than 100 countries. ATA’s primary goals include fostering and supporting the professional development of translators and interpreters and promoting the translation and interpreting professions.
Our Division welcomes all current ATA members who are interested in the Italian Language, whether they practice translation, interpretation or both, from and into Italian.
Translator and Interpreter Compensation Survey – A Comparison of Past Editions
Over the years, many webinars, articles, and conference lectures have addressed the topic of translation and interpretation fees. Conventional wisdom seems to suggest that…
L’unione fa la forza – ILD Networking Events! 💪
Questi primi giorni del 2021 ci stanno già mettendo alla prova. Ma non facciamoci intimidire! Ciao a tutti e buon anno! Speriamo che abbiate passato delle feste serene ed in salute. Questi primi giorni del 2021 ci stanno già mettendo alla prova. Ma non facciamoci...

Translator and Interpreter Compensation Survey – A Comparison of Past Editions
Over the years, many webinars, articles, and conference lectures have addressed the topic of translation and interpretation fees. Conventional wisdom seems to suggest that…
The Interpreter as a Digital Nomad
Most of you know that I am a translator. Many know that for four years I lived and worked on the road. Translation is a very portable career, but I am also an interpreter. Here is what happened to that side of the business.
Faraway, So Close Drawing on Our Virtual Community
By and large, we translators work all by our lonesome—physically, at least. In the beginning of my career, I liked this. Having escaped the numbing landscape of cubicles in Manhattan investment banks, my ten-second commute seemed the height of envy-worthy luxury.
Become a member
Membership in the Italian Language Division is open to all members of the American Translators Association.
You can become a member of the ILD by selecting the division on the membership forms when first applying for ATA membership or when renewing.