Dear JLD,You may not have noticed it, but the month of November just blew past. One minute many of us were at the ATA Annual Conference, and the next it was Thanksgiving. At least it felt that way. Happy December! I hope the weather is good wherever you are.I wanted to post … [Read more...]
ATA 2014: English>Japanese Translation of Figures of Speech
講演者: 望月良浩報告者: ミトリック理香(Rika … [Read more...]
ATA 2014: Grammatical Digging to Improve Japanese>English Patent Translation
発表者: James Judge報告者: 前田 紘明 JLD最初のセッションの議題は、日英の特許翻訳において日本人翻訳者が陥りやすい文法上の落とし穴について。大阪から招いた発表者のJames … [Read more...]
ATA 2014: Pictures and Sound: Translating Television and Other Audiovisual Media
講演者:Sarah Lindholm報告者:大平和美今月始めにシカゴで開催されたATAの55th Annual Conferenceで、Sarah Lindholmさんのプレゼンテーション「Pictures and Sound: Translating Television and Other Audiovisual … [Read more...]
ATA 2014: Is Machine Translation Your Friend or Foe? Challenges for English-Japanese Translators
Presented by Dr. Takako Aikawa, Sr. Lecturer in Japanese, MIT Global Studies and LanguagesSummarized by Kazumasa Aoyama, Park IP TranslationsIn her excellent presentation, Dr. Aikawa discussed the use of machine translation (MT) in English-to-Japanese translation. She gave … [Read more...]
ATA 2014: Japanese to/from English Interpretation Workshop: Focusing on Short-Term Memory
講演者; Izumi Suzuki(鈴木いづみ)報告者: Satoko Nielsen (ニールセン智子) 鈴木いづみ氏はこれまでにもしばしばATA会議で通訳ワークショップを行ってくださっているが、今回は今までと少し趣が違い、短期記憶力の改善法に焦点を絞ったものであった。通常のメモ取りを中心とした通訳のトレーニング方法ではなかなか進展がみられず、むしろ通訳のスキルを磨くには短期記憶力を改善した方が効果が上がるのではないかとの認識によるものである。(ところで興味深いことに、たまたまATA Chronical の7月号にもRoda … [Read more...]
Thank You, JLD Volunteers
I would like to thank all the people who made the JLD, and ATA, activities possible at the Conference. I think this year was another resounding success. It was the second most attended ATA conference in ATA history. Also thanks to James, Nadine, Hiro, Hiroki and … [Read more...]
JLD Open House Wednesday at 7pm
Dear JLD,The Annual Conference in Chicago is right around the corner. I hope to see many of you there!Wednesday night things kick off with the Welcome Reception at 6pm, and immediately following at 7pm we will have our Division Open House as we do every year. I believe we will be … [Read more...]
JLD Newcomers’ Lunch on Thursday 11/6 in Chicago!
JLD Newcomers’ Lunch 初参加のJLD翻訳者・通訳者のための昼食会Please join us at a lunch. This is a casual lunch gathering for newcomers. You will meet regular JLD members to discuss topics that you want to know. The regular attendees will share the experience and insights with you on … [Read more...]
Taken Out of Context: The Importance of Context in Japanese-into-English Translation (Part 2)
Example 3: Making it realThe word 実現 is fundamentally associated with the process of converting an abstract entity (such as an idea or a concept) into a concrete entity (such as an object or a numerical result). Authoritative dictionaries offer meanings such as “realization,” … [Read more...]
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