By Elizabeth Adams Hajime Sato’s #ATA62 presentation on eDiscovery was a valuable opportunity to learn more about an industry that is a source of interesting and challenging work for linguists. While eDiscovery is usually a pretrial procedure for preserving and analyzing electronically stored information (ESI), it can also be a tool for responding to a […]
ATA62 Law Division Lunch
Please join us at the ATA62 Law Division Lunch and enjoy a break in your conference day for networking, meeting new friends and catching up with old ones. We will have our lunch in a private room at The News Room, a restaurant and lounge that is a 6-minute walk from the conference hotel. The […]
Minutes of the Law Division 2020 Annual Meeting
Minutes of the Law Division Annual Meeting (Virtual) American Translators Association October 18, 2020 Present: Administrators Paula Arturo Elizabeth Herron-Sweet Leadership Council Ana Gauz Grace Isaía Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 1:33 p.m. by Paula Arturo. Administrator’s Welcome and Remarks Paula Arturo thanked the attendees for their presence and […]
ATA62nd Virtual/In Person Annual Conference – Legal T&I Sessions
Hello Law Division members! ATA62 is coming up (October 27-30, 2021), with early registration discounts ending on October 1 (Friday)! You can register here. Below are the legal T&I sessions and AST courses on the schedule, starting with the sessions by our division’s Distinguished Speaker, Bruna Marchi, the Interpreters Division Distinguished Speaker, Robert Joe Lee, […]
Os sistemas judiciários brasileiro e norte-americano
Por: Bruna Marchi Para que o profissional da tradução seja capaz de navegar com clareza e precisão em diversos sistemas jurídicos, traduzindo os termos adequadamente, é necessário o conhecimento prévio da estrutura jurídica dos países com o qual se trabalha. É essa a proposta deste artigo, ou seja, revisar a estrutura jurídica brasileira e determinar […]