This material first appeared as an article in the newsletter of the ATA Translation Company Division, here, and published with permission from the ATA-TCD newsletter editor and the author. Thank you to Nora Favorov and Liv Bliss for their valuable contributions as editors of the article. By Dmitry Beschetny Introduction There are numerous ways to […]
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Highly civil law – the other approach to contract law
This material first appeared as a post on the author’s blog Tip of the Tongue, here. Published with permission from the author. By Stephen Rifkind Sometimes a person visits another family or country and discovers that an alternative way of doing something actually has many advantages. That was my feeling after an amazing two-hour webinar […]
My First In-Person ATA Annual Conference
This material first appeared as an article in SlavFile, the newsletter of the Slavic Languages Division, here. Published with permission from the SlavFile editor and the author. By Dmitry Beschetny I joined ATA a couple of months prior to the ATA62 annual conference. Not long before that, I came across a colleague’s article full of […]
Hybrid In-person/Remote Proceedings: Best Practices Learned the Hard Way
By Ernest Niño-Murcia This is an adaptation/updating of a piece originally published in NAJIT Proteus. When much of the country locked down in the spring of 2020, interpreters faced the challenge of moving their work online. Adapting to remote proceedings involved learning to use new programs and investing in new equipment and, perhaps most difficult […]
Translation by Interpreters and Interpreting by Translators
This material first appeared as a post on the ATA Slavic Language Division (SLD) blog here. Published with permission from the SLD and the author. By Dmitry Beschetny There is an ongoing debate in the language industry whether translation and interpreting services can be rendered by the same person. Needless to say, while these two services […]