By David Bustamante Segovia As a professional translator, a law student in Latin America, and a legal English student in the U.S., I tend to see many errors that arise from literal translations between Spanish and English that do not take into account judicial structure differences, among other types of differences (e.g., view of the […]
Legal Spanish
Plain language for clear and accessible legal translations
By Rebecca Porwit The plain language movement gained traction in the 20th century with a push to simplify legal and government documents. In 1979, the Plain English Campaign was founded in London to combat “gobbledegook, jargon and legalese.” This was also the year Richard Wydick’s Plain English for Lawyers was published. But why is clear […]
Notary Public vs. Civil-Law Notary Public
Resulta de especial interés hacer una distinción entre la figura del Notary Public de los países donde rige un sistema de derecho anglosajón o angloamericano y la del Escribano Público (o Notario) de los países con sistemas de derecho romano-germánico, como el de la Argentina, donde resido. Básicamente, existen dos sistemas de “notariado”: […]