The ATA65 Conference is right around the corner! From October 30 to November 2, 2024, translators, interpreters, and industry experts will gather in Portland for an exciting opportunity to network, learn, and grow. If you’re attending, here’s everything you need to know to make the most of your experience, especially if you’re in Legal Translation […]
Business Practices
LawD Networking Event Recap: Email Marketing for Legal Translators and Interpreters
By Katja Gugelmeier Introduction On July 22, our Law Division hosted another insightful networking event, building on the success of our last session in April. During that previous event, we discussed a broad range of marketing strategies for legal translators and interpreters. You can check out the BlawG post about our April event here. For […]
Invitation to Law Division Virtual Networking Event – July 22
Please join us for the Law Division’s virtual networking event! Please join us for our next quarterly Law Division networking event to discuss marketing strategies and challenges. Get to know other translators and interpreters working in the legal field as we meet on Zoom for a networking session to discuss marketing ourselves to legal clients, […]
LawD Networking Event Recap: Marketing Strategies for Legal Translators and Interpreters
On April 17, 2024, the Law Division hosted a networking event for its members, focusing on marketing strategies for legal translators and interpreters. The Administrator, Liz, along with the Assistant, Monique, and Leadership Council members, Dmitry, Caroline, and Katja, welcomed all the attendees. For the past couple years, the Law Division has hosted quarterly networking […]
ATA Law Division Professional Forum: Using Neural Machine Translation Engines for Translating Legal Documents
Takeaways from participants Around 60 linguists attended our forum that took place in Miami during ATA64. They were sitting at seven tables, and each table discussed the following prompts: Our Future, Operations, Marketing, and Pricing. Please find here a summary of the participants’ takeaways. 1. Our Future ATA gave a virtual conference in May 2023 […]