by Ana G. González Meade Dear Audiovisual Division members: This 2019 has gone by so fast! In this issue, we celebrate the coming International Translation Day on September 28th by bringing to you highlights from this year’s major audiovisual translation-dedicated conference Media for All 8 that took place recently. And in the spirit of creating […]
AVD Happy Hour in ATA 60!
Are you attending the ATA 60th Annual Conference in Palm Springs this year? Make sure you join us at our second Audiovisual Division’s Annual Happy Hour! Come meet the members, Leadership Council and elected officers of the Audiovisual Division! Spend some time with us at our Happy Hour, get to know our plans and goals for […]
Looking back on NOLA @ ATA59: An Audiovisual Perspective
by Ana Salotti This year at ATA has been particularly special for audiovisual professionals. For the first time in decades of a booming audiovisual industry, we finally have a specialized Division for those who work in the audiovisual field, a true milestone in the United States and abroad. However, by the time the brand new […]
Traveling the Globe to Go More Global
by Graciela Cuello Two major events on audiovisual translation were held last October. Planning a trip that involves academic activities raises the question: is it worth the effort and stamina it takes? One of them was Languages & The Media, in Berlin, and the other was CITA, in Madrid. In my opinion, a professional should […]
New Technologies in AVT and Why Translators Need to Adapt to Survive
by Mara Campbell Not so many years ago, we were able to successfully manage life and work with only landlines, snail mail, and fax machines. But today, our world is dominated by a myriad of accessible and affordable technologies, and we can all agree there are benefits. Technology in everyday life helps us save time, […]
My First Languages & The Media Conference Experience
by Fernanda Brandao-Galea For three days, 300+ attendees—comprised mainly of translators, academics, researchers, managers, and CEOs— engaged in discussions, learning opportunities, and deep thinking on the role of languages now and in the future. We were encouraged to work together to better understand present trends and shape the future of the industry. The conference experience […]