by Agnieszka Szarkowska and Łukasz Dutka How Can We Learn More About How You Watch Subtitles? As researchers, we’re always trying to learn more. When it comes to subtitling or captioning (we’ll be talking about subtitles here, but it all applies to captions as well), what we can do is collect subtitles and analyze them. […]
On the Audiovisual Radar
How a Text Translator Can Become a Subtitler Presenter: Deborah Wexler Subject: Subtitling Where: CTTIC Summary: Deborah explored the differences between text translation and subtitling, subtitle formatting, the ins and outs of managing time and space constraints and how a text translator can begin training themselves in subtitling. Oralidad, divino tesoro Presenters: Alberto […]
Arabic Audio Description: Challenges and Possibilities
by Heba Safwat Alattar A Brief History of Arabic Audiovisual Translation Arabic audiovisual translation (AVT) appeared with the emergence of cinema in Egypt back in 1896. Early movies were accompanied by the voice of elmefahematy who would simultaneously interpret the intertitles of silent foreign movies and, later, foreign dialogues. The practice evolved to presenting the […]
Deep Focus 10: Letter from the Administrator
Are interpreters or subtitlers better at respeaking? I was asked this question at ATA’s 60th Annual Conference in Palm Springs by our Distinguished Speaker that year, Pablo Romero Fresco. My answer, “Interpreters for sure.” Less than a year later, I got certified by the Universidade de Vigo as an interlingual respeaker (live subtitler). If you […]
Looking forward to Media for All 8!
by Mara Campbell In just a few days, Stockholm will be swarming with audiovisual professionals from all areas who will be attending the Media for All 8 conference at the Institute for Interpreting and Translation Studies at the Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism at the main campus of Stockholm University. The Media for All […]